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Company formation, Mainland and Freezones..

Business Planet Emirates

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Why start business in Dubai?

Strategic Location

UAE's location at the intersection of Europe, Asia, and Africa makes it easy to access many of the world's emerging markets.

World-Class Infrastructure

UAE is a desirable place for investment thanks to significant investment in its transportation, communications, and industrial infrastructure.


The cosmopolitan Emirates, home to more than 200 nationalities, is family-friendly and offers first-rate standard of living.

Tax-Free Income

UAE residents enjoy tax-free income with no Value Added Tax (VAT) on residential real estate purchased by investors.

Advanced Healthcare

UAE provides a quality healthcare system through its extensive network of Hospitals and Clinics.

Smart Public Transport

Well-connected by affordable, fast, convenient and robust public transportation system.

Stable Economy

The UAE currency has been pegged to the US Dollar since 1973 and has been set at a constant rate since 1997.

Sunny Paradise

UAE offers plenty of sunshine all year-round and numerous beautiful sandy beaches.

Low Crime Rate

UAE is one of the worlds most safest counties with low crime rate making it a a great place to live, work and raise a family.

Why Us?


Initial journey of entrepreneurs, can be challenging. Our skilled team will help to make the registration process smooth.

Fast Setup

Our experts will ensure that your documentation is compliant, so that your business is up and running as quickly as possible.


Business setup is just the beginning, our qualified specialists can assist you in facilitating global trade.

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Star Planet Emirates

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